Equinox Reset For All Further Disentanglement From 3D

Published: Thu, 09/21/17

Hello ,

We are poised for a major reset during Equinox happening Friday September 22nd at 4:02 pm Eastern time. What I am receiving is that following an extremely powerful Eclipse Season chalked full of changes, new awarenesses and new Light, we and the Earth are on the cusp of a very big shift right around Equinox.

The August Eclipse Season assisted each of us in a Big way to further disentangle from 3D constructs. As we begin to the see the lies told to us for what they are, tuning into to our own Truths held within, we are awakening, rising up in consciousness and becoming a fuller expression of our True Self. We are declaring we aren't going to stand for the old anymore and change is happening.

All of this awareness and change has some people scrambling. Who is scrambling? Those people and forces who held power in the 3D world, who are unwilling to repent, change their ways and ascend. There are others who are simply unwilling at this time to awaken, free themselves from the Matrix and expand due to their own personal reasons. It may be fear of change anchoring them in the old, or a perception of being comfortable in the discomfort of their 3D lives etc.....

I am being told and shown that on and around this date, due to cosmic and astrological alignments, the Earth may moan and groan. We may experience an uptick in earth movements such as earthquakes, destructive weather, solar activity, a spike in the Schumann resonance etc.... We are already seeing this with yet more hurricanes in the Atlantic, a severe storm hitting Iceland, 7.1 earthquake in Mexico, Romania reeling after a rare devastating storm with hurricane force winds earlier this week braced for another.....

Our physical bodies may become anxious and uncertain wondering what is going on. Digestive issues may present. There may be a feeling of being ungrounded. Appetite changes, eating very little or large amounts of food. There could be a pull to cocoon.

Whether there will be a physical event beyond weather to accompany these energetics or if it will be solely an event of uber strong energy waves creating a reset for the Earth and all that roams upon it, is yet to be determined.

I am here to let you know whether something presents or not we will move through it as we do. We as Light Bearers are being asked to be the Light, be the calm; be Love. Hold Faith. Be conscious and discerning. Be an example of Love Personified to the world. I am hearing this information loud and clear.

There definitely will be a Major Energy Wave of Change sweep across the planet and many will feel the energy. (September 22-23)

The strong energy wave of change will be hardest on those who resist waking up, ascension and change and those who love doom and gloom talk which keeps people in fear and 3D alive. Let's not give them what they want. Let's support the disengaging from 3D and movement for All into 5D and beyond.

The Equinox reset will ultimately result in a harmonious balance. That is what Equinox does brings us into balance, pulling the changes of the past six months together. A new vibrational foundation is created for each of us and globally. Balancing does not mean going back to the old it is smoothing out of the changes, shifts and energies to the NEW. Equinox energies helps us to align and flow with the energies, along our new timelines; move into harmony with the New.

Equinox energies are also excellent for manifesting with focus and intention. The energies shaping what is to come over the next months until December Solstice.

Equinox a time of re-calibration for each of us individually, as collective and for the Earth.

~ Love, Esther

Whispers From My Soul.... 
Inspiring street sign in Tirana, Albania.
Over the past 13 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been Light Beacon to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension assisting us in vibrational transformation into our Magical, Miraculous Self. She lovingly reminds us that we are Love and Light, inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Her work opens the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams, on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your Inner Self, bringing all parts of you into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, presence, voice and love vibration. She leads mystical, dynamic Sacred Spirit Journey’s which allow people to experience dramatic change and transformation in a short time, while having fun and adventure with like minded people.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day.

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, John Burgos Show, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, CHCH TV, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio; The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2017. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com