Bosnian Pyramids 5 Day Class Starts September 18th Here's the Itinerary

Published: Wed, 08/23/17

Hello ,

Last week I wrote to you announcing the Brand New 5 Day Master Class I will be hosting with Scared U September 18-22nd.

I receive many emails from readers excited about going deeper with the Pyramids and who are ready to go! The response warms my heart. You love the Bosnian Pyramids as much as I do.

Today I want to share with you the itinerary for our class. It is an on line class, multi medium which means there are MP3's, Videos, PDF etc...

Everyday for 5 Days starting September 18th you will receive via email from Sacred U containing that day's class content. It is a go at your own pace class. Fit the material  in at a time that works perfectly for you.

For those who participated in my ground breaking first Bosnian Pyramids Program this is a perfect expansion to working with the energies.

And if you are a first timer no worries you will get up to speed quickly just listen to the Free Preview.

Free PreView Class: 
Some of you have been working with the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids since I launched my first pyramid program back in 2015 and others are hearing about the Bosnian Pyramids for the first time. Listen to this preview class to learn about the Bosnian Pyramids (a refresher is always good), what makes them so special plus NEW information regarding what is happening in Visoko Valley of the Pyramids.

On Day One I will introduce you to the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids and take you through an energy process to help you sync up with and get familiar with their frequencies. You will discover that each Pyramid has its own special vibration and integrated together they create another unique frequency. Plus you will learn how natural and easy it is to work with their energies. So easy that within a very short time all you will do is call upon them and the Bosnian Pyramid energies will be with you.

Day Two: We are going to jump right in and work with the Pyramid Energies to move towards better health and wholeness physically, emotionally and mentally. I will take you through an energy exercise to connect you with the healing vibes of the Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels. As a Bonus you will receive a silent frequency recording of the energies of the Ravne Tunnels to boost you to optimal health and well being.

On Day Three learn what is your Light Body and what is happening to it during our Ascension Process. Discover how the Bosnian Pyramid energies can assist you in expanding and enhancing your Light Body instantly. I will guide you through a process working with the energies and sacred geometry of the Pyramids to Light up your Light Body to the next level of your experience. This class alone is worth the price of admission.

On Day Four we get personal. We all have dreams and desires that we want to manifest during this lifetime. Can the Bosnian Pyramids help? Absolutely they can. During this class pick one dream you would like to fulfill and we will work with the energies of the Bosnian Pyramids to set it into motion with full intention of manifestation. Equipped with the recording of this class you will be able to take yourself through the process again and again addressing different wishes and dreams. More Info

Day Five our attention turns to Spiritual Gifts. Do you have any? If so what are they? Are Spiritual Gifts only for “Special People?” Learn how to discover, activate and enhance your Spiritual Gifts using the power of the Pyramids. The energy exercise provided will assist you in further activation of your Pineal Gland, Third Eye and those gifts which are your unique and special magic.

Plus if you choose the Bonus Master Class Option I will teach you all about the Living and Healing Waters of the  Bosnian Pyramids and include a silent frequency recording of the Pyramid Water energy so you can infuse your water at home with the healing vibrations.

So let’s get started… listen to the free course and then sign up  for the complete class or perhaps you are thinking Esther I am already in how do I register?

Enroll Here and get ready for a pyramid adventure!

If you have any questions about the upcoming September Class or the Original Bosnian Pyramids program please email me. Let's talk pyramids!

~ Love, Esther  

Participate in ALL of Sacred U's September Classes at a special pricing. This option includes my Bonus Class of Living and Healing Waters of the Bosnian Pyramids. Learn More

Image courtesy of the Pyramid of the Sun Foundation
Over the past 13 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been Light Beacon to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension assisting us in vibrational transformation into our Magical, Miraculous Self. She lovingly reminds us that we are Love and Light, inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Her work opens the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams, on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your Inner Self, bringing all parts of you into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, presence, voice and love vibration. She leads mystical, dynamic Sacred Spirit Journey’s which allow people to experience dramatic change and transformation in a short time, while having fun and adventure with like minded people.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day.

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, John Burgos Show, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, CHCH TV, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio; The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2017. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw