Today July is a really BIG Day. A time of Outrageous Change. (look inside)

Published: Thu, 07/27/17

Hello ,

TODAY IS A REALLY BIG DEAL... and while I personally dislike reading words all in caps TODAY IS A REALLY BIG DEAL and deserves the bold highlighting. So what's happening that I am shouting all about it?

Mars and the Sun fully meet in the sky in the sign of Leo. A New Beginning for Mars is at hand as Mars ends a transiting cycle that started in June 2015 and starts a whole new 2-21/2 year cycle which means Mars, the planet of Action, is embarking on a New Beginning, New Cycle, New plan of Action for each of us and for the world as collective. Just ahead of Eclipse Season how awesome is that!

As with any new cycle the first part is all about setting the scene and creating a plan or structure. Then taking taking action steps, adjusting the plan accordingly as you move along, dealing in a calm and conscious manner with any snafus which arise, and then enjoying the unfolding, the creation as it appears in your everyday experience.

Over the next 30 days while this new cycle gets revv'd up in the sign of Leo, an energy that wants you to express, be in the spotlight, shine, be the leader that you are, enjoy the senses of life and love yourself completely, anything you start or put into motion will not only be fully supported ,but it will also be what drives and influences you over the next two, two and half years. Choose wisely knowing you can't make a wrong choice.

This it the time of Outrageous Change.

Our inner Warrior, our Self Power rises to the surface with courage, determination, ambition and belief.

If you are afraid that is your human self cowering. Soothe the human self. Let it know that your Divine Self is in charge.

This is the time of Those Quantum Leaps we speak about.The time and energy to create all that we have been too afraid to create in the past or thought not possible.

Imagine you are at a train station and the train that you want to board is ready to depart. The horns are blowing to warning last minute passengers. Are you coming or staying? The train will take you on a two year journey creating massive change. You have some idea of what that change is (intention) and there is also the unknown as Universe works with you to take your intention and create something even more magnificent then you can imagine.

The train is at the platform. The train is ready to depart. It's going to go and take the passengers already on board with or without you.

Here is your opportunity. Only you can decide whether or not you are going to get on that train and then YOU physically have to get on that train. To step up, believe and trust.

There is always another train of course but this one has a special energy about it. You can always go to the airport and buy a ticket to some fantastic destination and then every once in a while the opportunity to purchase a around the world in two years ticket comes along. It's for EVERYONE. All are invited and yet those who choose it will be the ones who say I am so afraid of rejection, failure, leaving people behind, messing up, not knowing anyone, risking it all but still I am doing it because I love myself, I want to live the grandness of life, I believe and trust.

Jupiter is shining its beams upon this energy with a little of its good fortune. Some of you may get some good news today!

And Chiron is assisting by pointing out what needs to be released from your mind, body and energy field. That limitation has been getting in the way of your plans.

Can you see now why I am proclaiming this a really BIG day?

I could encourage you to take some time, really take some quiet time and ask yourself what do you want to create in the next 2-2.5 years? A two year plan. Get super clear while offering Universe the wiggle room to present something even better and then look Mars straight in the eye and say, Let's do it.

Lunar Eclipse is on August 7th ALSO DAY ONE of our 47 Day Eclipse~Equinox Energy Event... more and more people are joining in every day.

Please Join Us and Let's do Eclipse Season together, Learn more---->

Love, Esther


Eclipse ~ Equinox

47 Day Energy Event

Starts August 7th, 2017


Learn More + Sign Up

Calling All Star Seeds We Gather Together for
​​​​​​​Fun, Adventure, Camaraderie and Deep Personal Change this November.....

The Magic Of Thailand Awakens and
Nourishes Your Inner Buddha

Sacred Spirit Journey with Esther Bartkiw to
Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand

Nov 12-21, 2017

With Optional 3 Day Extension

Check Out What We Are Going To Do On Day 6.
I can't wait. What about you?

For Trips Details, Itinerary, Investment and Registration 

If you have any questions about this Sacred Spirit Journey please email me directly and let's talk.
Whispers From My Soul.... ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Fire Belly healing in Mongolia.  Are you ready to say, yes I am afraid but let's do it anyway?
Over the past 13 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been Light Beacon to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension assisting us in vibrational transformation into our Magical, Miraculous Self. She lovingly reminds us that we are Love and Light, inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Her work opens the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams, on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your Inner Self, bringing all parts of you into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, presence, voice and love vibration. She leads mystical, dynamic Sacred Spirit Journey’s which allow people to experience dramatic change and transformation in a short time, while having fun and adventure with like minded people.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day.

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, John Burgos Show, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, CHCH TV, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio; The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2017. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw