Looming Full Moon Could Be Tense But There is a Blessing: Energy Update

Published: Sat, 04/08/17

Hello ,

What a week it has been. The heaviness we experienced on Thursday when Saturn turned retrograde started to lift yesterday bringing with it a sense of rejuvenation and renewal that put a spring in our step. I also noticed that the lifting ushered in manifestations held at bay. Something broke free, a something that was different for each person. Whatever it was no need to investigate just celebrate the release and what flows in as a result. Saturn will be retrograde until well into August. I wrote a blog post about this planetary positioning on my website and I highly suggest a read as this influence will be with us for quite awhile effecting our day to day. Click Here.

Venus will continue to be retrograde for a few more days so if you haven't reflected on what and who you love and value, now is a good time. Doing this exercise will serve you well clarifying steps to take and help you to give attention to what really matters in your life leaving the rest behind.

What I want to focus on in this Energy Update Newsletter is the April Full Moon happening on the 10th-11th in the sign of Libra. La Luna culminates in the early hours of the 11th Eastern time at 12:08 am.

The Full Moon has the potential to be a bit tense for everyone because it is squaring Pluto. Pluto is the planet that rules the underworld, the underbelly so to speak which means our subconscious. Issues buried deep within may surface for our attention. La Luna and Pluto will shine a light on the past and help you see what limiting belief, pattern, behavior etc... absorbed way back is still in play.

The Full Moon may bring childhood issues to the forefront along with what we refer to as our deep dark secrets. Full moons tend to be quite emotional regardless of any additional aspects. This Full Moon may be extra emotional leaving you feeling vulnerable.

Uranus will also influence this month's Full Moon and the influence could be a bit jarring. This planet rules revolution, surprises and social change. It creates earthquakes in our lives and yes also physically on the planet. 

Full Moon + Pluto + Uranus could usher in something unexpected whether it is in your personal life or on the global scene. There might be some upheaval; a crisis of sorts and some will receive the most excellent news!

When these situations do arise in our lives and in the collective there is always a bright note. Jupiter the planet of luck and good fortune will also be radiating its energy and magic which will ease the situation, bring about blessings and the path to change. Whatever arises in your life in the next 2-6 days look for the blessing; the opportunity for growth.

And keep in mind that a Full Moon illuminates the path forward. Full Moon energy offers closure and completion. So what we may have coming up, in a very short period of time, is the opportunity to face what has been buried away, learn, grow, release and start taking steps on a whole new path of potential.

Energy Reports are like weather reports. When the weather calls for rain you can prepare and take an umbrella with you. Always a choice. Now equipped with this information if your Full Moon experience turns tense because some situation arises, you can sit back, reflect on these words, look for the blessing and use the energies to create big change in your life.

We may experience some growing pains this month so rest and eat well, whatever supports your body. Exercise, walk in nature, get some sun, practice self care and if you feel yourself being dragged down, it's because you are still carrying something heavy, a belief, pattern; someone else’s energy. But, and here is the but, YOU have the choice and the power to create change.

~Love, Esther

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Whispers From My Soul.... ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Live A Life You Love.

Over the past 13 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been Light Beacon to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension assisting us in vibrational transformation into our Magical, Miraculous Self. She lovingly reminds us that we are Love and Light, inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Her work opens the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams, on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your Inner Self, bringing all parts of you into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, presence, voice and love vibration. She leads mystical, dynamic Sacred Spirit Journey’s which allow people to experience dramatic change and transformation in a short time, while having fun and adventure with like minded people.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day.

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, John Burgos Show, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, CHCH TV, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio; The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2017. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com