(Hours Away) Lunar Eclipse Blesses You With Something Fantastic Read More

Published: Wed, 02/08/17

Last Chance to Sign Up for the 40 Day Eclipse ~ Equinox Energy Event Click Here Now
Hello ,

In recent days I have spent much time in meditation and communion with Universe, the Cosmos, my Divine Self, the Moon and Sun asking for guidance and wisdom to offer You regarding the upcoming Eclipses and Equinox.

The information has been pouring in and I am here to share with you some of the highlights so you can make the most of these Magnificent, Transformative Energies.

You may recall  that in an earlier newsletter while writing about the January New Moon I mentioned that any intentions set during that New Moon Period would get triggered again during Eclipse Season for fresh starts and new beginnings, particularly during the upcoming Lunar Eclipse.

Either your intention will unfold into your reality, require some changes in action and belief, the next step to fulfillment will present or you may realize that the intention no longer fits. That is how quickly change is happening nowadays. For MOST people that new beginning you seek is at hand. How exciting is that!!

Plus if you have been a bit disappointed that this being a year of New Beginnings has failed to usher in anything new... hold on... for some a purge of the old continued throughout January and NEW is NOW pushing forward.

During the upcoming 40 Day Eclipse ~ Equinox Energy Event we, The Beings of Light and I  will be working together in harmony during the Live Calls and Daily Energy Transmissions to support You in a Fresh Start in at least one area of your life.

But what about the Something Fantastic that the Lunar Eclipse is ready to bring you ask?

It became clear to me that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is going to be an intense experience of bringing something to a culmination in your life. Often during Eclipse's that culmination presents as an ending. The ending of a relationship or job etc... Something collapses in order to make way for the NEW. Yes that will happen for some but for MANY WOW, something you have been waiting to manifest, comes to fulfillment in your everyday life! It's truly one of those meant to be moments.

Will it happen on Lunar Eclipse Day?  It could but mostly likely whatever happens energetically 4 days before Full Moon Eclipse and 4 days after will set the stage for the manifestation into your reality. Pay attention to the clues, opportunities, nudges, inspired action; your intuition and Follow through.

Eclipse Energies linger strongly after culmination for 40 days and continue to affect our lives for up to six months. So that manifestation could show up at a later date even six months down the road. But please let me stress, How you receive the energies right around Full Moon Eclipse is important. 

During our 40 Day Event we will be working with you to be open to RECEIVE not only the guidance to assist you in your creation but to also RECEIVE that tangible manifestation in your life.

What presents during the Solar Eclipse February 26th will be different. The Solar Eclipse is going to take something from you. Ask you to give something up. Why? To make room for something NEW! It could be anything from letting go of a relationship to attract one even better. To sell your beloved home so you can move to a new location that is energetically much more supportive. Perhaps even put aside a Dream because there is something even greater ready to unfold in your life. Somethings are easy to give up and others are not. Always keep in mind the big picture. If Universe is asking you to let go of something it is Not to punish you, it is to offer you in it's place something even better. Even if you can't see it at the moment. Illusions will be busted and anything you are are creating that is Ego driven will be abruptly dismantled.

During our 40 Day Event we will be working with you to assist in the letting go, trusting Source, believing that something better is at hand, having faith and even getting excited about a manifestation that you will LOVE but haven't conceived of yet.

The time between Eclipses is considered by many astrologers and spiritual leaders to be an auspicious time of mystical and spiritual significance. The Veil between worlds is thin. Psychic connections and abilities are heightened. Everything is magnified. Any inner work that you do during this period will be deep. Discover, release, infuse, shift, change and transformation. Set aside time during this two week period for You and your Spiritual and Personal Growth. And YES during this period for those participating in the 40 Day Event, offering daily energy transmissions and email updates of Divine Guidance and Inspiration to support you Living as your highest and best.

PLUS there is so much more happening during these 40 Days. Like Equinox which wraps up this intense period of change by restoring balance after all of the action.
Venus turning Retrograde. Venus and Mars steaming up Valentine's Day. And Mars and Pluto clashing in a nasty battle. Oh my we are in for a wild ride of fun, a ride we wanted to be here for. Remember All Things Work Together For Good To Them Who Love God... Romans 8:28.  

You Are God. You Are Love, Light, Divine. You Are All Things. ​​​​​​​

Oh And there's a Comet Fly By just hours after the Lunar Eclipse. "Comet 45P, which has been visible after sunset for the past two months through binoculars and telescopes, makes its closest approach to Earth, when it will be "only" 7.4 million miles away," according to Nasa. Comets are always stirring up the energetic field and this one will also be sending ripples of energy throughout the universe.

I would love to enjoy these energies with you and welcome you to you participate in the 40 Day Energy Event. Be a part of our Group Avatar. Let's work together as One and also as individual to shape and create Your Life on Your Terms harnessing the energies of the Cosmos. Registration closes February 10th. Click Here For Registration 

Enjoy the Energies. Dance with what presents. Happy Lunar Eclipse.

~Love, Esther

The EVENT Begins Friday February 10th

2017 Eclipse & Equinox Energy Event
February 10 - March 21st, 2017

​​​​​​​Join Esther for 40 Days of Focused Energy Transmissions and Personal Transformation during the Spring Eclipse and Equinox Energy Event
February 10 – March 21, 2017.

>>>>>>40 Days of Daily Remote Energy Downloads –
First Time Ever Esther has held a 40 Day Energy Event<<<<<

Three Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Live Events

Email Updates packed with channeled information, inspiration to create more Consciousness and Shift.

Exclusive To This Event: Email Esther your personal requests for energetic support and she will include it in the daily work

Plus TWO Amazing Bonuses Just For You….

For More Information and To Sign Up Now Click Here....

It's Time To Register....

The Magic Of Thailand Awakens and
Nourishes Your Inner Buddha

Sacred Spirit Journey with Esther Bartkiw to
Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand

June 4 -13th, 2017

With Optional 3 Day Extension

Check Out What We Are Going To Do On Day 6.
I can't wait. What about you?

For Trips Details, Itinerary, Investment and Registration 

If you have any questions about this Sacred Spirit Journey please email me directly and let's talk.
Whispers From My Soul.... ​​​​​​​

What you seek is seeking you. ~ Rumi

Over the past 13 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been a Beacon of Light to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension. Reminding us that we are Love and Light and inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Opening the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your parts and aspects, bringing all into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, sacred spirit journeys, presence, voice and love vibration. Returning you to the Love that you are. 

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day. 

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio, The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2017. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com