Happy New Moon ~ Fantasy, Shadow, Fear, Sexuality, Desire, Change, NEW

Published: Sun, 10/30/16

Hello ,

October 30th Energy Update: Happy NEW Moon! It's the second NEW Moon of this month and it is happening at 1:38 pm Eastern Time, 6:58 PM Cest. (The clocks fell back one hour here in Europe over night.)

NEW Moons always carry the energy of NEW Beginnings. But this NEW Moon goes even further. Today take time to really focus on the NEW that is presenting in your life. A NEW project? Relationship? Approach? Attitude? Location? Perspective? NEW direction?

Sit with yourself at some point and get acquainted with your NEW Energy, your NEW vibration. Much has changed since our September Eclipse Season and you are vibrating differently. Often we don't take the time to sit, re-calibrate and update with ourselves.

Get to know you in your NEW vibration and then, leading from the Heart, make a NEW choice based on your New Vibration, NEW awareness and yes even NEW Desires.

You see as we raise our vibration and move into more consciousness our Desires change. What was oh so very important at one time doesn't hold as much of a charge anymore and often we continue to pursue that desire out of habit. Because that desire doesn't fit us in our new vibration we spin our wheels and it is frustrating. What goals, desires, dreams no long apply and what NEW desires are emerging? Today is a great day to make the switch.

Perhaps at one time you wanted marriage, a family, lots of children, a house in the country etc.... that was your desire. But now in a NEW vibration you are looking for a different kind of love, relationship, family, location...

Maybe at one time is was very important to you to be the Ceo of a big corporation and now in your NEW vibration you still desire a leadership role but for a smaller business or start your own.

Perhaps at one time it was important to you to acquire things; cars, clothes, designer purses, you know the toys, and you had a big long list. Nothing wrong with wanting any of those things but check in with yourself are you vibing now with the desire to acquire all of those items?

The NEW Moon is in the sign of Scorpio. The energy of Scorpio is big, intense, sexually charged. It often involves big gestures. Jump off a cliff type of actions you know those quantum leaps. Fears may surface but when you face them under this Scorpio NEW Moon they reveal themselves to be not so big after-all.

Scorpio energy also pushes us to do shadow work cycling through a period of death and rebirth in some area of our life.

At the same time Mercury and Neptune are having a conversation in the sky. This pairing fuels fantasy, imagination and strong intuition. Are you willing to learn something new? Something that perhaps in the past you pushed away or judged as bad or wrong?

It's a tremendous NEW Moon and the energies will linger for up to 4 days. So walk over to your favourite sofa, chair, spot and get comfy with your NEW vibration, NEW desires and set NEW intentions with NEW action.

Celebrating all that is NEW and La Luna with you!

~Love, Esther

Exciting News From People Just Like You Who Are Watching The Miracle Creating Frequency Videos

More Miracles Being Reported!!!!

And the Official Program Hasn't Even Started Yet

Here is the link the Special Offer Page so you can start the journey of Experiencing Everyday Miracles!!!!


Just signing up for Esther’s Miracles program, things started happening. The first miracle occurred after about 8 hours. Essentially I noticed that a very expensive item was missing during my recent move and while looking for a printer cable that evening, found it in a box that had been packed and sealed over two years ago. No idea how it got there as I had shown it to my sister less than 6 months ago. So I was suitably grateful and inspired to notice the everyday miracles and allow them to be ‘more’. Then we had my personal session – and wow was that dynamite! I have been working on ‘removing blocks’ for so long and in hindsight, those blocks were really just pebbles. This time we found and removed the keystone block! Truly a Miracle. I'm excited for 'what's next' if this is what is happening without active work by you. Very grateful ~Kathy - Brisbane

I wanted to share with you some more mini miracles. This past week I went to Nashville to celebrate my birthday. I booked a night time tour in a converted open air hearse to see some of the haunted sites of Nashville. It was totally fun and not scary at all. The weather was perfect for it. It was unseasonably warm and clear skies. The next day the heavens opened up and rained off and on all day.  Also, I booked the Jugg sisters Nash Trash tour which books up months in advance. My sister came on the trip at the last minute and there was not a spot for her. At the last minute, one opened up and she was able to do the tour with us. I laughed the entire two hours of the tour. All of our flights were on time- we had a fantastic rental car that could hold all us so that we could all ride together- It was a blessed trip. I also noticed the other day at the family office, quite a few employees felt down and heavy- usually I would start to feel sad myself, but that day I just noticed it and did not take it on. YAY!!! I love your work and please share this if you like. ~ Many Blessings, Diane

I listen to primal release today and Ah~~such a connection. As the drumming progressed and the sun rose, I felt a deep pressure in my heart opening, much like when we expand our energy from inwards to beyond the planet and this pressure and heat then expanded in my throat and down my abdomen. When the sun was fully risen and it's light shining through, tears of connection flowed. I was shaking throughout. Another Awe inspiring mp3~. So much love Esther. ~ Caroline, M.

You Are The Miracle
Seeding and Birthing Miracles a 12 Day Journey
Starts December 1, 2016

Miracle Creating Frequency Videos. One per day is all that is needed to clear blocks and trigger the Miracle Frequency Within.

 The Miracle Creating Program was created to help you realized that Miracles are an inside job. That the frequency of Miracles in within you. It is part of your I Am Presence.

I am Love, I am Light, I am Divine, I am a Miracle.... I AM.

The videos help to clear the path to a deep heart knowing of this Truth and living as Miracle Energy. Then you experience Miracles in your life as a everyday natural occurrence.

You can start watching the Miracle Creating Frequency Videos NOW and begin the process of blossoming the Miracle You Already Are.

Whisper From My Soul.... 

 Moon Pyramid, Bosnia
Over the past 12 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been a Beacon of Light to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension. Reminding us that we are Love and Light and inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Opening the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your parts and aspects, bringing all into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, sacred spirit journeys, presence, voice and love vibration. Returning you to the Love that you are. 

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day. 

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio, The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com