Energy Update Pluto and Neptune A Tense Conversation Could Mean Big SHIFT

Published: Mon, 11/21/16


2016 has been a year of completion and closure, and it's not done yet. There is still time for you to to make that shift and end some patterning, behavior, attitude, paradigm once and for all in your life.

At the same time we are already experiencing 2017 energies which hold a 1 vibration and in numerology that means new beginnings. Notice your life, your community, country and the world. Yes there are a tremendous amount of fresh starts and new beginnings at hand.

Adding to the mix, there is a monumental planetary alignment that is starting this week on November 24th, extending right through to August 2017.

Jupiter squares Pluto in a very intense conversation in the sky which will get triggered not only the Nov 24th but also on March 30th and August 4th.

What does this mean for you and all of humanity on a Global Scale?

Everything from Success and Breakthroughs to Tests, Challenges and Crisis.

Each person will experience this cosmic influence uniquely according to where they are in their journey.

Pluto is the planet of TRANSFORMATION; it also has a dark edge.

Jupiter is the planet of EXPANSION and amplifies energies in play.

When these two hook up in the sky in a square it means tension, challenges, tests and yes as I mentioned earlier possible crisis.

However keep in mind that this energy wave is ultimately supporting you in creating Big Breakthroughs, Change and Self Expansion.

We will be challenged to:

-Examine our Truths, Beliefs, Perspectives even the ones we feel are positive and uplifting to see where we are still in separation; participating in the Illusion.

-Yes even those spiritual  truths we have come to embrace will be challenged.

-Release old ways, practices, ways of service, structures and routines.

-Belief in Self may be further tested as a result.

By doing all of the above and allowing these Planets to assist you will:

-Perfect your skills, talents and abilities.

-Learn who in your life is in alignment with you, supporting you and who has been supporting you only because you believed what they believed and the moment you no longer believe the same way, they push back.

-Meditate on and determine what needs to change in order for you to create the desires of your heart to live as your True Self As Divine, Love, Light, The Source of All Miracles.

-Embody and Live as your Divine Self more fully.  And so much more....

By participating fully with Pluto and Jupiter instead hiding,  amazing transformation is possible. Success in your career, relationships, creativity in any area of life rises up. You tap into inner drive and determination in a way you have never done before. Ambition is strong.

And all of that time you spend in the refiner's fire thanks to Jupiter and Pluto, results in GOLD. 

All of this starts on Thursday just days before the official start of our 12 Day Journey To Miracles which begins December 1st.

I'd like to take a moment with you right now and share with you that I have never co-created with Universe a more timely and important program then this one You Are The Miracle.

Yes the Divinely Inspired frequency videos and our 12 Day Journey will assist you in creating everyday Miracles, people are already experiencing just that from simply watching one video a day in rotation, but this program is so much more.

It is about moving you into a deeper expression of your I AM PRESENCE. Living as I AM. Living as Light. Living as Divine. Living as LOVE. Living as the Source of Miracles in your Life. 

Moving forward I see our inner work as being very simple. Be and Live as your True Self which is all of the above, and everything else falls away. All of the fear, worry, lack, not worthy, not good enough, relationship and health woes everything of a lower vibration falls away because that is not who you are as a Divine Being of Light. And as you live as the Divine Being of Light and Love that you are, those everyday Miracles pop into your life experience as delightful surprises.

On December 1st we are going deep during our 12 Day Journey To Miracles. Stepping away from old paradigms of healing, releasing Illusions that have had us in lock  down and claim our Divinity and our right to everyday Miracles because each of us is the Source of Miracles in our lives.

And there is still time to join in on all of the FUN and TRANSFORMATION!!

Here is the link for more information and to sign up.  PLUS additional personal sessions have been opened due to your asking.  ----->

In the meantime play with Pluto and Jupiter.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American Friends AND live life Fully.

~Love, Esther

Did you miss my Face Book Live Video from Copenhagen Airport regarding the recent US Election?

Here's the link if you feel led to take a look -->  Esther On Us Election

You Are The  Source Of Your Miracles
Seeding and Birthing Miracles a 12 Day Journey
Starts December 1, 2016

Miracle Creating Frequency Videos. One per day is all that is needed to clear blocks and trigger the Miracle Frequency Within.

 The Miracle Creating Program was created to help you realized that Miracles are an inside job. That the frequency of Miracles in within you. It is part of your I Am Presence.

I am Love, I am Light, I am Divine, I am a Miracle.... I AM.

The videos help to clear the path to a deep heart knowing of this Truth and living as Miracle Energy. Then you experience Miracles in your life as a everyday natural occurrence.

You can start watching the Miracle Creating Frequency Videos NOW and begin the process of blossoming the Miracle You Already Are.

The Sacred Spirit Journey To Iceland is a Wrap to tremendous Success and Breakthroughs for All! By experiencing Iceland, the energies, nature, people, and vortices, limitations were lifted to the surface and let go at a rapid rate. Thank you to the amazing Beings of Light that joined me on this adventure and for being so committed to your Soul's Journey of Ascension.

The next Sacred Spirit Journey is in the works and will be announced soon.

June 2017 we are heading to Thailand..... 
Whispers From My Soul.... 

The World is Big and It is Small we are beginning to see this oh so clearly. We are one.

Over the past 12 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been a Beacon of Light to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension. Reminding us that we are Love and Light and inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Opening the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your parts and aspects, bringing all into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, sacred spirit journeys, presence, voice and love vibration. Returning you to the Love that you are. 

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day. 

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio, The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw