Final Days To Register For September Eclipse Energy Event Doors Close Soon

Published: Sun, 08/28/16

Hello ,

Sending you a courtesy reminder that the September Eclipse ~ Equinox 22 Day Energy Event is set to get underway September 1st with Live Call Number One and Remote Energy Healing.

Here’s What Past Participants Say…

A TV Designer Asked Me  To Come Work With Her + I Feel In The Flow
Just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying this space in the vortex. I feel so much more neutral and in the flow. This is a crazy busy time of year for me work-wise as I have two big shows back to back. Normally I would be full of anxiety, but this time I feel very in control. There is a strong sense of “If I stay in the flow and just keep working task to task, everything will be just fine.” When overwhelm does creep up, I remember the vortex and that the group avatar has my back. This has been very comforting. I’ve had a very serious inquiry about buying a large painting. And, just this morning I had an email from the office of a big TV designer asking me to come in and work for a day on a design project. I had applied for a freelance job with her ages ago and never received a response until today. VERY exciting!  ~H.B., Toronto

Your Energy Support Boosted My Confidence and I Got The Job!  
The Eclipse, Equinox, Solstice Energy Events are the best. The calls take me to new places in my imagination, create new awarenesses and trigger new energy vibrations within me. I open up so much during those calls, gently and quickly. During the daily energy work I can often feel you working with us. It is comforting to know that I have this extra energy support during these intense seasons of change. I love being able to email you requests for extra help and it works. The energy support you sent me as I was preparing for an interview boosted my confidence; I felt it! I was asked back for a second interview and ultimately got the job. Can’t wait for the next Event. ~Anne

$15,000 Bonus
I just manifested a $15,000 bonus at work!!!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! ~Jenni, Chicago

$4000 Rebate and Temporary Job Wow what a start to the event.
The energies have been strong. Day one I got a $4000 rebate from the tax office I was not expecting! I was told today the job I expected to get I did not get – but a run round by staff that appreciate my work have got me a temporary role till March, it’s a good job role. Wow this all happened in three hours. Yep a big day for me. ~Brenda L

Released Back Pain
 Esther I sent you a special request to address my back pain during the daily energy work and within two days I had instant relief. It has been several days now and the pain has not returned. Thank you. ~Bob

There are Six Phases to this Special 22 Day Energy Event:

1. 22 Days of Pure Source Energy Work and Transmissions:

Each day we, meaning me Esther and the Beings of Light, will connect with you and our Group Avatar working with your energy field individually and as a group clearing, transmuting, shifting, changing, neutralizing and adjusting the energies coming up for release, and infuse into your energy field the highest vibrations available to you and the planet in the moment.
Raising your vibration everyday with specific and laser focus energy work and infusion.
You don’t have to do anything. Just be open to receive the energy. Go about your day and life. Everyday for 22 Days my Team and I will work with you energetically. You get Energy Work without any doing! How amazing is that!
The Official 22 Days of daily pure energy work begins September 1st and wraps up September 22, 2016.

2.  Solar Eclipse Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Live Call September 1st: Event Includes:                                                                                                                                                                                   
Meditation and Energy Transmissions
Clearing and Release of Density
Length of Call: 60 Minutes
Plus MP3 recording of the event.
Date:  September 1, 2016 12 Noon EDT.

3. Lunar Eclipse Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Live Call September 16th: Event Includes all of the above in #2.

Length of Call: 60 Minutes
Plus MP3 recording of the event.
Date: September 16, 2016  12 Noon EDT.

4. Equinox Energy Transmission and Global Mediation Live Call September 22nd: Event Includes all of the above in #2.

Length of Call: 60 Minutes
Plus MP3 recording of the event.
Length of Call: 60 Minutes
Date: September 22nd, 2016 12 Noon EDT
Time Zone Converter:  Click Here

5. I will send you regular email updates throughout the 22 Day Program:

Updates on what is being cleared and released from your field.
Information on what is being infused into your energy body.
Channeled inspiration and motivation to help keep you on track and focused during this powerful potent Energy Phase. 
Past participants find these emails invaluable and look forward to receiving them throughout the program.
*Email Updates will be sent as guided.

6: Plus, Exclusive To My Personal Eclipse Energy Events, Opportunity To Email Me Your Personal Requests For Extra Distant Energy Healing…

As issues, situations, emotions, beliefs, patterns and behaviors pop up into your life during these 22 Days you can email me your experiences and I will include them in the daily energy work.
That’s right you can email me during the September Event and express what is coming up for you and I will include it in the daily energy work for even greater assistance, release, infusion and upgrade of your Light Body and Energy Field.
Wait there is a Bonus!

When you sign up for the 22 Day Energy Event I will send you a Frequency Filled Video to watch and listen to during our Event. Offering audio and visual support, drenched in high vibrations frequencies and upgrades to be The Light That You Are.
You Are Light, Love, Divine ( 1:45 min) This video channeled through me just for you, will offer visual and audio support with the right and perfect frequencies to help you through the process.

Participating in this special 22 Day Energy Event will facilitate:
An Awakening of Your Higher Heart located between the Throat and Heart Chakra at the spot of the Thymus; activator of Higher Consciousness
Bridge your Multidimensional self into the Now, The Present, Oneness for full expression of your Divine Self
Ignite the wisdom and consciousness held within and lying dormant in your DNA
Self Realization = Fulfillment of your Fullest Potential
Clarity and Focus
Deep Release and Healing
Burn away the dross; the toxic energies in your mind, body and energy field; those heavy, low vibrations
Spark your Star Seed Mission, knowing, wisdom and connection
Blossom more fully into the Divine, Love, Light Being that you Are

To put you in the right and perfect frequencies to attract into your life:

More money
Loving and satisfying relationships
New opportunities in alignment with your desires
Better health and well-being
Career success
Joyful friend and family connections
Deeper intuition and knowing
Increase your psychic abilities
Deeper spiritual connections
More self-awareness and confidence
Know and love yourself as you truly are and so much more…

Choosing to join this Special 22 Day Energy Transmission Event is a beautiful way to receive daily energy support during what can sometimes be a wild, exhilarating and tumultuous time. It is a nice alternative to a personal session with Esther – an effective way to connect with Esther and receive ongoing energetic support every day! 

Special Pricing: $197 Canadian
(HST may be applied)
Registration Closes August 31st, 2016.
 Moon Pyramid, Bosnia
Over the past 12 + years, Esther Bartkiw has been a Beacon of Light to those on a Conscious Journey of Ascension. Reminding us that we are Love and Light and inspiring us to live life as the Divine Beings we are. Opening the door to all possibilities and freedom to live the life of our dreams on our terms. 

Esther is extremely intuitive and has been lauded for her extraordinary ability to zero in on the core issue of your problem or situation and guide you to a new connection with your parts and aspects, bringing all into harmony and oneness. People experience change through her Unique Light and Energy Signature, powerful healing sessions, teachings, sacred spirit journeys, presence, voice and love vibration. Returning you to the Love that you are. 

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself, she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self and knowing Self as Love which continues to deepen and blossom every day. 

Esther is a featured guest on Tele-summits including From Heartache to Joy, You Wealth Revolution, You Awakening and Quantum Conversations. She has appeared on The CBC's Steven and Chris Show, Gail Vaz-Oxlade Talk Radio, The Best People We Know Radio Show. Esther is featured in the book Women Power highlighted as a powerful and inspirational woman of influence. And is spotlighted in the documentary One Red Lipstick inspiring women entrepreneurs everywhere.
Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw