(Esther) Dracula's Castle Entity Release + Live Entity Clearing Call July 11th

Published: Fri, 07/08/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Release Entities, Implants and Artificial Intelligence
Reclaim Your Mind, Body and Energy Field
Live Call July 11th sign up --> Click Here 

Hello ,

​​​​​​​Earlier this week I took a day trip to Transylvania into the Carpathian Mountains to visit the famous Bran Castle; the inspiration for Bram Stoker's Book Dracula. Interestingly no vampire movie was ever filmed at Bran Castle and Dracula, aka Vlad the Impaler only spent two months at the castle as a prisoner. It was a day of heavy energies and constant conscious entity clearing.

First stop Peles Castle in Sinaia. The former home of the Romania Royal Family.
Beautiful on the outside Yes, but halfway through the tour of the rooms I felt nauseous. I checked in with my body. Was it something I ate? Motion sickness from riding a bus on winding roads? None of the above. I was picking up the heavy energies of the Castle. Energies embedded in the furniture, the atmosphere; the walls. I could hear the laughter of people from times past and felt the grief, anguish, upset that hung in the air. The energy was heavy; sickening. As the tour guide rambled on with information I paused and silently proclaimed to the energies present: This, meaning me my body, my mind, is not your home. I breathed in and out expanding my Light and Love. Grounded deeply into the Earth. I stood in my power. It took about 10 minutes but the nauseous feeling went away and energies around me vanished. Oh they were still present in the castle but standing as Light and Love I offered them no entry to connect with me.

Back on the tour bus I pulled out my phone and listened to the MP3 recording People and Places From Our Travels (Click Here To Access) for a little extra clearing and frequency support during my day trip.

Next stop Brasov Old Town Square for lunch.
As soon as I got off the bus at this location I felt unease. So much so that I walked away from the center square. See that water fountain in the picture? A place where many may feel drawn to sit and rest? Later I found out from the local guide that this was the spot where witches were burned at the stake and people were beheaded. No wonder I felt unease. This time because I was aware that I may encounter heavy energies and entities wanting to attach, I only noticed the energies rather then feel them in my body or trying to attach. Still I expanded my Light and Love and grounded in my Power. When I got back on the bus I listened to Collective Consciousness Entity Release Frequency Recording for extra clearing support. (Click Here to Access)

Then off to Dracula's Castle....
Interestingly the energies were the least heaviest at this castle. Perhaps heavy energies weren't present or perhaps at this point I was so conscious of possible entity attachments, standing strongly in my power and being Light that these energies just didn't bother with me. Regardless as I toured the castle and heard the stories I kept strong in Self keeping outside influence at bay.

On the long drive home I asked the Beings of Light to give me an entity assessment. Were there any lingering energies that I needed to clear? Anything sticking to me? I got the all clear sign.

When I do Entity work with people I always remind that clearing entities, outside influence is not a one time event. You can clear an energy and then go to a party, work, any location or be at home and invite an energy in. The key to freeing yourself from outside influence is standing in your Power, being the Light and Love that you are.

When we travel whether it is to the grocery store, gym, work or a foreign adventure, there exists the possibility of picking up energies and entities from the places we visit. Energies from land, buildings, objects, people; the collective consciousness could attach if we are not aware, conscious and standing in our power. 

No energy, no entity, no person has power over you unless you give it to them. 

You are Divine, Light, Love. You have all of the power.

And yes in the past, most of us, perhaps all of us have allowed outside influence into our mind, body and energy field as we lived in an unconscious, unaware state.  

But we can take back our mind, body and energy field from entities, outside influence like mom and dad energy, the collective consciousness, places, past lives, alien influence, implants etc.... 

The Entity Release Program was designed to help you free yourself from this outside influence and assist you in keeping Entities at bay as you claim your Divinity.

Live Call as part of this program is on Monday July 11th still time to sign up and join us.... CLICK HERE

The package includes:

Six Frequency Recordings to Release Entity Attachments

Implant and Artificial Intelligence Removal

Metallic and Chemical Cleanse

Past Life and Ancients

People and Places From our Travels

Collective Consciousness Release

People Attachments

An Entity Assessment channeled by me for you and sent via email.

One Live Call With Entity Clearing Processes  (July 11th)

Two Bonus Mp3's

Sexual Energy Attachment Release

Self Power Infusion

All for only $99 US.

Read the Testimonials and register for the program by clicking on this link ---->


Until the next time keep choosing for You!

Love, Esther 

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I could feel the energy of the person wanting to get into my mind body and energy field and this is what I did......

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com