(Esther) Solstice Full Moon Lead Up Energy Update Please Read...Important

Published: Sun, 06/19/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

I felt called to pop into your day and offer an Energy Update Heads Up! Over the next 48 hours the sky will be active with potent planetary alignments, Full Moon, Solstice Light pouring out upon the planet. We are at a major turning point here in the early days of our Ascension experience... (3 years in) and a deep purge is at hand.

Rather than write one lengthy email with all of the energetic possibilities, I am going to pop into Facebook frequently over the next two days offering in the moment energy updates as they present to me. I encourage you to stay close, check back often and read the channeled messages which offer you guidance and perspective on what is happening in the cosmos and on earth, and within you.....

I also want to hear about your experiences. What is leaving? What is being pumped up? How are you celebrating Solstice? The Full Moon?

So let's start with the present Here is your energy update for June 19th Happy Father's Day!....

Planetary Squares and crosses in the cosmos create the possibilities of a volatile day. For those of you on a conscious journey of ascension and who feel and notice the energies you have most likely been feeling the lead up to today's planetary alignments for weeks.

Over the past two weeks have you raged? Fallen into depression? Grief? Sadness? Despair? Resentment? Anger? Have you wondered what is going on? Feeling even more angry as the anger comes up because you feel you have cleared the anger and grief already?

If this has been your experience you are not alone. Many of the way-showers are and have been going through this over the past 20 days or so.

Whatever is appearing in your life experience is showing you where a deep purge is still required in order to move into a fuller experience of your Divinity. Rather than curse it, thank it for showing you where you are still in density and out of alignment.

Keep in mind in this lifetime by your choosing you are purging density not only from your mind, body, energy field but also for your generational lineage, the collective, the earth, all of humanity. It is a big job yes but you are up to the task and that is why you were given a body to incarnate on planet earth when so many others wanted a body but there were not enough to satisfy all requests.

Also remember this is a 9 year year and in numerology 9 is the number of completion. So as we complete cycles, karmic patterns, break free from the old completing, finishing anything that is preventing that completion must come up for review, acknowledgement and release.

I know it doesn't feel good. I know it catches you by surprise. Yesterday at the Sophia Mall I got triggered by a lady who butted to the front of the line with a sense of entitlement and no apologies. I could feel the old Esther, the 18 year old angry teenager Esther rising to the surface ready to give a tongue lashing. While the words did not spew forth I could feel harsh negative energy rising up and I was intentionally directing it her way. And then I caught it. I got conscious. I acknowledged my anger. I know it is not who I am now. I understood the trigger was feeling unrespected. I understood the lady was acting out at her level of consciousness. I withdrew the negative energy being directed to her and dumped it into the ground. I made my purchase. Walked out of the Mall into to the Sun and asked Universe and the Earth to absorb that layer of 18 year old anger that was still lingering around within.

This is what you may experience today under this cosmic sky. Or it may have been going on for days and you are now coming to the culmination of the big purge. Yes it is uncomfortable but it is for your highest and best good. Let us rejoice in knowing Universe loves us so much and always has our back.

Stay tuned for more updates.....you can access them on my Face Book Page.

~Love, Esther

June Solstice Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Event 

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com