(Esther) Solstice Energy Transmission Event On Monday ~ Registration Closes Soon

Published: Fri, 06/17/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

June Solstice Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Event 
Last Chance To Register

Monday June 20th, 2016

Event Starts—>12 Noon Eastern Time

Join Me And Let’s Celebrate The Maximum Incoming Power of The Sun. Together Harnessing The Solstice Energies To Empower Our Mind, Illuminate Our Energy Field, Charge Our Soul, Receive More Life Force, Wisdom and Love.

Creating Deep Inner Transformation, DNA Activation And A Beautiful Unfolding Of Change In Your Reality.

June 20th we celebrate the Mid-Year Solstice. A powerful time to fully integrate all energies on your new timelines, new paths of potential and integrate your Multi-Dimensional aspects in the Heart. The powerful influx of energies from The Great Central Sun will thrust up to the surface any deep individual and collective shadow energy for transformation as you gear up to move into the back-end of our Earth Year. The opportunity presents to raise your frequency and initiate a new cycle of Time and Experience for yourselves and the Earth. On Solstice energetic powers are magnified and possibility to reset our lives in new vibrations, frequencies and the new Light of the Sun presents.

During this Special Event me Esther, and The Beings of Light will be attuning you to the powerful June Solstice Energies. Conduct Energy Clearings, Release and Infusions to Assist you in every area of your life.

June Solstice Energy is a high-octane energy that will boost your journey of change and transformation and help you to realize more of who you Be ~ LOVE, LIGHT, I AM PRESENCE `and assist in the creation of your heart’s desires.

PLUS Solstice will be amplified by the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Love and Money are being highlighted by this Full Moon. Relationships, collaboration, life outlook as well. Anywhere your beliefs are out of alignment with who you are as a Divine Being of Light will be spotlighted for change and transformation. You get choice. Hold onto those limiting beliefs a little while longer or dismantle them and emerge more deeply with your Soul Essence. Solstice and Full Moon Light are ready to assist!

The replay will be available immediately following the live broadcast so you can access the recording and listen to it when you choose to celebrate Solstice.

60 Minutes of Pure Energy Transmissions.......

Please consider joining me--->  Details and registration click here. 

~Love, Esther 

2016 Testimonials

Esther’s energy transition was so powerful that in the same second she said, "Lungs have been worked on, someone with a lot of mucus and congestion..." I got healed. Been fighting for weeks a nonsense runny nose and mucus, and just in that instant everything went away! I am totally cleared!!! ~Martha Face Book

When the opening Meditation was done by Esther. My left knee felt the energy moving and I was in AWE when she said someone on the call is having problems with the left knee. I was ecstatic for the healing energy on it. ~Carol Rock

I have been having excruciating pain in my left hand, in the palm, and joints for over 2 weeks now and doctors despite several test couldn't find anything wrong. Since starting this program with Esther pain has eased tremendously. On Wednesday my biopsy results came for my colon and all clear. I have been feeling much more calm/grounded. ~Nishna R

I have shifted from feeling so low and suicidal to positive and optimistic, and that huge boulders of baggage have fallen away. I feel like I'm releasing a lot and going through some very powerful shifts, and I know the energy work you are doing Esther is making a big difference. Thank you for holding the space and helping me to clear some really deep issues  ~Kim, UK

As I am working with you through this program my Heart connection is stronger, even in daily life it is pouring out, and this pouring out feels so beautiful in my body. ~Suzanne

I am noticing huge shifts through your program and energy work and I can feel it working through my digestive system.  I am full of energy, positivity and excitement for new possibilities! ~Cheryl

During this program the main theme for me coming through these past several weeks has my body.  I've been engaging in a language with my body, asking my body what it would like to eat, what it would like to wear and how it would like to move.  My body has been clear that it would like me to practice more yoga. I am proud to say that every day for the past 10 days I have gotten up early in the morning to practice yoga, and several of the days I practiced at night as well. I have been seeing a new chiropractor and I treated myself to a deep tissue massage this past weekend.  I am loving my body more every day.  My posture is getting better and I am feeling more comfortable in my skin. ~Jenni, Chicago

Thanks for the powerful 'opening your third eye' webinar. I got to the core issue fear of not being loved and accepted.Very grateful for your help.
Marja-Liisa Salonen, Country: Finland

The Activation Broke Up My Blocks
The activation went deep, especially in my chest. It broke up, my block. I listened to the first part of the recording of the class, did some gardening/weeding drank tea, relaxed and let go. Then had dinner and listened to the last hour. I think the exercise made my brain have a workout so I needed a break ! Glad I did as the second piece just melted in, lots of shimmering mainly in the heart area, and lifting out, felt like stuff was being lifted/eased out. ~Valerie, UK

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com