(Esther) Gifted Energy Event July 10th... Details Inside

Published: Sun, 07/03/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

July is my Birthday Month ~Happy Solar Return to me and anyone else with a birthday this month.

To Celebrate I would like to give YOU a Gift of a Free Energy Attunement with a focus on embodying more deeply your I AM PRESENCE.

All you have to do to receive the Energy Attunement is Click on the link below and add your name to the list.

There is no call, no class, no webinar. Just sign up and on July 10th The Beings of Light and I will be going through the list offering each person who signed up a complimentary Energy Attunement.

And pass along the link to your friends. Give them the opportunity to choose to participate. Let this be the Gift that keeps giving!

~Love, Esther 

Gentle Reminder........

Entity Release Live Call July 11th
Raw, Powerful, Potent, Magnificent
Allow The Energies of Iceland To Transform Your Life 
Explore the Beauty That Is Iceland ~Feel and Experience The Energies
The Vortex ~ The Power of the Volcanos, Geysers, Glaciers
Allow The Energies of the Northern Lights To Transform you

Iceland a Sacred Journey to Raise Your Vibration and
Inspire You on your Soul's Journey. Imagine what will change in your day to day life when you return home from the land of Fire and Ice.....
Whisper From My Soul.... 

Say something loving to yourself right now....... 

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com