(Esther) Performed Miracles In My Life ~ Interview Replay Link With Powerful Clearings

Published: Fri, 04/01/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

    On April 5th The Open To Channel The Universal Realms 4 Week Program Begins.

This weekend From Heartache To Joy is running the replay of my interview which includes Energy Clearings and
Processing Fear of Being Known. (link below)

Here's what listeners have to say about the call...

"Hi Eram and Esther how are you? Magical and powerful session with Esther. I felt ALOT OF energies releasing from me especially in my legs. I still feel the relaxing going on. And I do have a huge fear of being known. So this was much much needed. Thank you both you blessed and beautiful souls. Love and hugs.

I just want to thank Esther for her insights. When she took my call I felt a pounding so strong in my chest, not sure if it was nerves or just the acknowledgement that someone understood my block. By the end of the call I was calm and felt a sense of relief.

As one caller mentioned Esther's 1 on 1 work is extremely effective. She goes deep and straight to the core. Highly recommended! I'm always pleased with the results. I find her inspiring and am grateful to have met her through FHTJ!!"

Replay expires Sunday night at midnight

The FOCUS of this program is to open your channels to your Guides, Spirit, Your Higher Self. To unblock and expand your Third Eye Function. To help those who are unable to feel energy to feel. To assist those who want to embrace their gift of sight to start seeing visions and images. To hear the sounds of the universal and be forever changed by them. 

This Program Is For You If You Thirst For Or Desire:

    To become a more clear and open channel for Universal Guidance and Wisdom
    Increase your psychic abilities
    Heighten your intuition
    Open your right brain
    Develop deeper insight and knowing
    See and feel energy, auras and Spirit Beings
    Astral travel and experience vivid dream states
    Become more conscious, more aware, move into higher dimensions 
    Make decisions more easily
    Deepen your connection with Source
    Increase your health and well being
    Learn how easy and fun it is to connect with your Spirit Guides.
    Meet members of your Spirit Team.
    Discover how your Spirit Guides communicate with you and deliver their messages
    Know that you are never alone, you have a host of energies around you at all times 
    Access your inner wisdom and knowledge.

The first two classes of this program are solely devoted to opening up your Channels.

And then we dive in to start meeting members of your Spirit Team.

Personal Sessions are available at a From Heartache To Joy Special Pricing.

Package At A Glance:

~Four Live Calls

~Four 24 Hour Distant Healing Energy Events

~Six Bonus MP3 Frequency Tracks For Audio Support To Open Your Channels...You Are Going To Love These Frequency Energy Recordings, oh so Powerful. They Are Worth The Price of This Program Alone.

~And a Personal Session to focus on ANY issue of your choosing when you purchase Pkg B.

Please join me and let's Open Up Channels to The Universe so that everything, not only information and guidance, but love, abundance, peace, joy and fun also flow in.......


Esther Performed Miracles In My Life. My Third Eye Is Awakened; I See Colours and Shapes, I Am In Contact With My Spirit Guides and I Am Being Prepared For Astral Travel.

“My path to contact spirits started two years ago. I wasted lots of time and money. Many people told me that opening my third eye was bad and could put me in mental hospital.

Then I found Esther's website and contacted her. I was very skeptical about results because I had lots of bad experiences. But Esther performed miracles in my life, because there were many blocking influences from past lives, my lineage, family influence background and strong negative influence from black magic which blocked my third eye. Esther recognized these negative influences and made very deep clearings.

As a result my third eye is awakened. I talk every day with my third eye and it gives answers. I am in contact with my spirit guides in particular Rozlin and Odin. I see colours, shapes, tunnels and I am being prepared for astral travel. I sense the energies here on Earth and outside of it. I have great experiences with these Universal Energies. I am grateful for the sense of Energy, for my spirit guides, for my FREEDOM. I am grateful to Esther because she has opened the star-gate for me!” ~ Pavel, Czech Republic

Live Calls Starts April 5th.

Personal Sessions Are Already Underway.

And Bonus MP3 Recordings are available for immediate Download.

"Channeling and Accessing the Wisdom of the Universe is not for a select few, it's for everyone and that means YOU! Open your channels to the Universal Realm and connect with your team of personal experts 24/7 ready and willing to offer you guidance, perspective, wisdom, encouragement and support in any area of your life." ~Esther

Please note this program is being offered in partnership with From Heartache To Joy.

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com