(Esther) Energy Update Creative Juices Flow

Published: Fri, 01/29/16

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

Mercury turned direct this week and although it will be in shadow for several more days, the energy which had us on pause is beginning to flow again and smooth out. There is a loosening of sorts at hand.

We've just spend the early part of the year reviewing, re-assessing, re-evaluating many aspects of our lives and now it is time to hold focus and intention to set what we have learned and discovered into motion.

When I set an intention I often ask myself: What is the best case scenario in this situation? I conjure up an image, the feeling, sensation and the ultimate outcome I desire. I get clear on what I would love to see unfold in my life. The kind of unfolding that would make me jump up and down and do a happy dance where ever I am when the creation comes to fruition.

Then I align energetically with my desire and begin to take the action steps presenting as Universe conspires on my behalf to make it so.

I often tell Universe I want this or something even better. Because no matter how much I feel I am tapping into the realm of the greatest outcome Universe knows and remembers every desire I have ever held and will incorporate it into the creation.

The recent Mercury Retrograde period stirred up much creativity and it is time to do something with all of those creative juices and ideas.

For me personally this MR was quite beautiful. Yes there were a few bumps of technology and communication along the way but the inspirations were aplenty and I was able to re-assess and set into motion many new pieces of guidance into my personal and professional life.

What I am most excited about is that I connected more deeply with I AM. Dropping into a deep knowing and embodiment of I AM LOVE, I AM DESERVING, I AM LIGHT, I AM THE MOON, THE STARS, I AM SOURCE ENERGY, I AM. It was very profound and has taken me into a whole new vibration of Being. When I get a grasp on all of the insights I will share with you beloved.

Now when I look within I not only see my Light but also Universe swirling within. It looks something like this.
And I know this Shift is happening to you to whether you are consciously aware of it or not. Exciting Times!

In just a few short weeks the Transformative Eclipse Season begins. Eclipses are like a wild card. Anything can and does happen. We experience evolutionary shifts in consciousness. Doors open and close at a rapid pace. Anything goes.

Universe offers to us cosmic energies that adjust our paths pointing towards our desires. If you have been meandering off that path or stuck at a rest station Universe grabs you by the shoulders, sets you straight and gives you a push. If you have been journeying along the path of your highest potential Universe blows the winds of change at your back to propel you forward in the most magnificent of ways.

Think of this time, Eclipse Season, as Universe adding rocket fuel to your intentions, desires, creations; to your life journey. A turbo boost!

To support you during these crazy, wild, fun, yes fun times (you did want to be here on planet Earth at this very time of world history after all) I am hosting a 24 Day March Eclipse Energy Event with a special focus on creating Financial Wealth.

And I personally extend to you an invitation to join.
March 2016 Eclipse~Equinox Energy Event: 24 Days Of Daily Energy Transmissions PLUS Lunar & Solar Eclipse, Equinox Energy Live Calls

The Program: 
24 Days of Daily Energy Transmissions
Additional Focus on creating Financial Wealth
Solar Eclipse Energy Transmission Live Call
Equinox Energy Transmission Live Call
Lunar Eclipse Energy Transmission Live Call
MP3 downloads of all calls
Energy Updates via email
Opportunity to add your personal request to the daily energy work
Plus Two Bonus MP3 recordings: Zero Point Energy, Money Blueprint Update

Every day for 24 Days straight, my  Spirit Team and I will be working with you in your energy field neutralizing, releasing, transmuting and shifting density, low vibrations, limiting beliefs, outdated subconscious and parasitic programming, self sabotaging behaviors and patterns, energy blocks and other people’s energy. I will be working with Pure Divine Source Energy to help you break free from the energies keeping your creations and desires at bay with additional focus on Financial Wealth.

And Yes we will harness the power of the Bosnian Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels to assist!

Your energy field will be infused with the highest Light Codes and Consciousness flooding the planet in the moment on a day-to-day basis.

In fact the moment you sign up for the 24 Day Energy Event we will begin to work with you in The Field preparing you for the Cosmic Energy Alignments.

For More Information and To Sign Up Now  CLICK HERE

This is one of my personal events thus the pricing is holding in Canadian Dollars.

~Love, Esther
Sacred Spirit Journey To The Bosnian Pyramids With
Esther Bartkiw as your Guide and Host
June 4-13th, 2016

“You WILL return from this trip a different person from when you left. There’s no doubt in my mind.
The Pyramid, Tunnel Energies and Spirits love to assist with change and transform”. ~ Esther
Whisper From My Soul To You

Our body is so loving and patient with us. When we engage in a destructive or self sabotaging patterning, behavior, hold a thought that does not support, our body waits to see if we will make a new choice. Wake up and choose something differently.

And when we don't continuing on with that negative patterning it begins to send us signals, gentle nudges of Hey listen to me, let's talk, something is going on here. Those signals may come as a headache, unease in the stomach, perhaps a dull pain.

If we continue to ignore the body's cues, signs and signals the body speaks louder and louder until it has our attention. Sometimes it talks a full blown physical experience for us to snap out of the haze of unconsciousness, get real with what is happening in our lives and body and take the steps to change.

Instead of letting your life situation get to the point where your body is screaming and pounding at the door crying out please listen, change is needed, take a moment each day to check in with your body.

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2016. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com