(Esther) Opportunity To Participate in a Free Event with Energy Clearings and Mini Readings

Published: Sat, 10/24/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Special Note: From Heartache To Joy is replaying my interview all weekend during which I did a Powerful Clearing of deep seated loneliness that touched the hearts and minds of many creating awareness, shift and release!

Plus learn:

Why it’s time to “clean spiritual house” for 2016 so you’re ready to hit the ground running as the magnificent Creator Being you are.

How to remove all the nasty Spiritual Energetic Toxins that are cluttering your life and holding you back right now.

How to detox yourself for more money, more love and a healthier body.

What’s so important about 2016 and why YOU need to get ready for it as quickly as possible.

The “secret” to getting to the core of any issue or problem that is affecting your life.

Listen to the replay---> http://fromheartachetojoy.com/evg/replay/

Hello ,

I have been asked to record a Master Class on the Bosnian Pyramids by Live Big Media and I am looking for 10 people to join me as I record the class and to participate with your comments and testimonials  about working with the Bosnian Pyramid Energies.

PLUS  I will be opening up the class to Callers for on the spot Energy Clearings harnessing the Bosnian Pyramid Energies.

Once the Master Class has been completed I will stop recording and do some mini channeled readings for participants as a thank you for your contribution to the class and for being present with me.

The class will take about an hour to record and I ask that you be on the call from start to finish. You energy presence helps to make the call fresh rather then a canned interview.

I am offering this opportunity exclusive to You a subscriber and reader of my Energy Insights newsletter!

I will only take 10 people so I can give each participant some individual attention.

If you are interested please contact me directly at esther@whispersfromthesoul.com

  • Let me know if you are willing to offer comment/testimonial regarding your experience and results with the Bosnian Pyramids Program.

  • And/or if there is a special issue you would like to be addressed with energy work during the Master Class. I will be selecting participants for the energy clearings based on how Spirit guides and what issues and energy clearings would be most beneficial to the Live Big Media listeners.

Once you respond I will send you the call in information. If you don't hear from me that means I already have 10 people ready to go.

The Master Class pre-recording is scheduled for:

Sunday November 1, 2015
10 am Eastern, 7 am Pacific

Thank you for assistance!

~Love, Esther

Release, ReSet, ReFresh On Line Healing Retreat

21 Day Detox For Wholeness and Harmony
Flush the Limitations

December 1-21, 2015

Learn about the 21 Day Energy Detox On Line Healing Retreat ---> Click Here

Every year at about this time I do an Energy Detox.
And this year I invite you to Detox with me!

Why? Because there are still 2 months left in 2015 plenty of time to manifest goals and or set them into motion.

And because 2016 is going to an amazing year. The information I have been receiving is that it will be time of "Coming Together," in many areas of your life. I know, it's about time right?

The 21 Day Detox On Line Healing Retreat Includes:

Six Silent Frequency MP3 Tracks: Audio tracks with no sound but jammed packed with the right and perfect tones and frequencies to support deep release, healing and energetic upgrades. As you listen hold an intention of the change you want to experience according to the topic of the MP3. The energies will meet you where you are at on any issue to discover, release and create change. I recorded these tracks inside the Ravne Tunnels in Bosnian at the Pyramids!

-Love and Relationships: Be Your Own Cupid 
-Finances: Shatter The Glass Ceiling
-Body and Health: Love Your Body
-Mind Flush: The Urge To Purge Limitation 
-Sex and Intimacy: Turn Up The Flame 
-Self: Respect Your Self 

Bonus Track: Catharsis Activation: Emotion Cleanse 

Because I know how you Love those Energy Events--->
Three 48 Hour Weekend On Line Healing Retreats! Starts in December.
  • 48 hours straight
  • Three weekends in a row
  • Non stop Distant Healing and Vibration Upgrades, Energy Transmissions, Release Work, High Frequency Infusion
  • First weekend focusing on: Sex, Intimacy, Love and Relationships
  • Second weekend zeroing in on: Finances, Money, Abundance
  • Third weekend focus: Body, Health, Self Love, Worth, Wholeness and Harmony Within
  • And I will work in the moment with whatever Cosmic Energies are at play 
PLUS: Three LIVE Calls with Q&A for Extra Detox and Harmonizing Support With MP3 Recording of Each Call.

Each Live Call will offer an Activation Process plus Q&A.
The Processes will focus on Body, Money and Love.

Plus Email Updates during the 21 Day Detox Energy Event!

And you can get a private 25 minute session with me to work on an issue or situation of your choice!

For More Information and To Sign Up Now and Get Started Using those Frequency Tracks to Clear and Release  Click Here.

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com