(Esther) October The Month For Integration Renewal Is At Hand

Published: Thu, 10/01/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

It's October the month of integration.

Earlier this year I wrote in this newsletter that summer 2015 was key for doing inner work, September for change, course corrections and infusions of High Vibrations, October for integration and by the end of the year those faithful to their journey would be in a whole new space, dimension, frequency and path of potential.

We are in the integration phase.

All of the inner work, grounding, meditation, exploring, discovering, releasing you have done is taking hold at a very deep level.

The Activations instigated during September are coming alive!

The Waves of Light which drenched the planet in September are fusing into your in your energy channels, circuitry, mind and body.

It's about to getting even more interesting.

A renewal is at hand!

Here is what I suggest you meditate on and keep in mind this month:

Are you creating from love and your new vibrations or replicating old patterns and ways?

You see I feel we are in 5D and have been now for several months. We don't experience the 5D New Earth fully because the Collective, many still slumbering, others just waking up, continue to recreate 3D patterning.

We, meaning you, me, the awakened, the way-showers can tip the scales to a full experience of 5D New Earth by creating out of Love and our new vibrations rather then replicating the old. This point has been strongly pressed upon me by my Guidance and I offer it to you for consideration.

Have a wonderful month of integration!

~Love, Esther

PS.  If you missed my interview on Aimee Serafini's Tele-Summit Love Myself Love My Life click on the link below for access. I did energy clearings, channeled readings, offered tips and suggestions on Loving Self and spilled the beans on the part of my body I kiss regularly! I can't believe I did that! Plus you will find information on the program I put together to help you Love Yourself and Love Your Body.  Click Here.

Whisper From My Soul To You

"Don't get too attached to things, you got to learn to let go." - Iron Man 2

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com