(Esther) October Energy Update! You Are Not Who You Were Yesterday

Published: Tue, 10/20/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

 Hello ,

I have been sitting here in front of my computer for the last 45 minutes trying to figure out how to put into words the information and guidance I am receiving regarding the current energetics. What I am being shown through images and feelings is so different and intense, everyday words don't fit. If only I could send you a "Feeling" email or take a snapshot of the screen of my mind and offer it to you.

So I am going to do my very best to put the feelings and pictures I am receiving into words and update you on our Ascension Process.

September Energy Waves and Downloads were beyond anything we could have imagined.

As a result we are moving through rapid transformation and integration.

The Beings of Light mentioned time and time again that October would be a month of deep integration of the Light Codes, Shifts, Awarenesses, Inner Activations we received in September and oh boy they weren't kidding.

The integration process this month is very different from the past. It's not hard. It's definitely not easy. It's different; different from what we have been used to.

Many are experiencing wild swings in emotions and feelings from one moment to the next. We move quickly from cloudy to clarity, peace to unrest, joy to blue, inspired to stalled, focused to lethargic. As heavy energies rise to the surface, release and the integration of higher frequencies takes place, the next layer of heavy energies gets pushed up to the surface. Grounding is important.

Some days you may wake up not knowing who you are, where you are, what day or time it is. It may take several minutes for you to clue in to your surroundings.
We are releasing time boundaries. At night during our sleep state we are travelling not only to distant places on Earth but also in the Cosmos visiting and learning from our Soul Family, Star Family, Spirit Guides etc....

The not knowing who you are is part of the re-birthing process. We are changing and shifting rapidly and when we release energies of our Old Self we are like babes, eyes blinking open, assessing our surroundings and who we are in the moment. 

You are not who you were yesterday. Stay in the Now, in the present to be who you are right now. Be okay with Being something different and new every day even in the next moment.

Know yourself as Soul Signature who you be as Light, Colour, Sound, Frequency, Tone. Who you be at the spark of creation. Your Soul Signature stays more constant as a reference point, but also check in with your Soul Essence, it may be presenting itself to you differently now then when you first connected.

Wave X continues to move across the Planet. My Spirit Team is sticking to their original guidance that Wave X is not a one time event. Rather the Light from Wave X splays upon the Earth in, well.... waves. It would be too much for us to handle in our physical bodies if the outpouring of Wave X energies came all at once.

We are experiencing insights and A Ha Moment's of deep seated long held issues.  You know those issues that keep coming up over and over again? This October Integration is allowing for roots of those issues to surface into our awareness. Many are having OMG moments, realizing why that issue has not cleared completely. You are seeing more clearly where you are stilling hanging onto old ways, patternings and beliefs and how they are serving you. For many it is a protection program. Protecting you from the unknown.

With this clarity comes deep Soul Searching. Are you really ready to create change?  Creating awareness is fairly easy but the choices and action that go hand in hand with the awareness are not always so. Easy is falling into old patterns. Easy is saying, I will do it when I have more time. Easy is saying, I don't like this but it's not  so bad. Easy is allowing others to call the shots for you. Easy is reaching for that cupcake instead of putting your workout clothes on and heading to the gym.

Yes Integration is at hand. It is different from anything you have experienced before. You are in uncharted territory, the way-shower, a pioneer, a Beacon of Light to the collective and you are doing just great!

In closing I would like to leave you with some inspiration, encouragement:
Whether your issue or situation stays or goes, lingers a bit longer or releases overnight, Live You Life Now! Now is what you have. Grab it with Gusto and Live!

~Love, Esther

Release, ReSet, ReFresh On Line Healing Retreat

21 Day Detox For Wholeness and Harmony
Flush the Limitations

December 1-21, 2015

Learn about the 21 Day Energy Detox On Line Healing Retreat ---> Click Here

Every year at about this time I do an Energy Detox.
And this year I invite you to Detox with me!

Why? Because there are still 2 months left in 2015 plenty of time to manifest goals and or set them into motion.

And because 2016 is going to an amazing year. The information I have been receiving is that it will be time of "Coming Together," in many areas of your life. I know, it's about time right?

The 21 Day Detox On Line Healing Retreat Includes:

Six Silent Frequency MP3 Tracks: Audio tracks with no sound but jammed packed with the right and perfect tones and frequencies to support deep release, healing and energetic upgrades. As you listen hold an intention of the change you want to experience according to the topic of the MP3. The energies will meet you where you are at on any issue to discover, release and create change. I recorded these tracks inside the Ravne Tunnels in Bosnian at the Pyramids!

-Love and Relationships: Be Your Own Cupid 
-Finances: Shatter The Glass Ceiling
-Body and Health: Love Your Body
-Mind Flush: The Urge To Purge Limitation 
-Sex and Intimacy: Turn Up The Flame 
-Self: Respect Your Self 

Bonus Track: Catharsis Activation: Emotion Cleanse 

Because I know how you Love those Energy Events--->
Three 48 Hour Weekend On Line Healing Retreats! Starts in December.
  • 48 hours straight
  • Three weekends in a row
  • Non stop Distant Healing and Vibration Upgrades, Energy Transmissions, Release Work, High Frequency Infusion
  • First weekend focusing on: Sex, Intimacy, Love and Relationships
  • Second weekend zeroing in on: Finances, Money, Abundance
  • Third weekend focus: Body, Health, Self Love, Worth, Wholeness and Harmony Within
  • And I will work in the moment with whatever Cosmic Energies are at play 
PLUS: Three LIVE Calls with Q&A for Extra Detox and Harmonizing Support With MP3 Recording of Each Call.

Each Live Call will offer an Activation Process plus Q&A.
The Processes will focus on Body, Money and Love.

Plus Email Updates during the 21 Day Detox Energy Event!

And you can get a private 25 minute session with me to work on an issue or situation of your choice!

For More Information and To Sign Up Now and Get Started Using those Frequency Tracks to Clear and Release  Click Here.

Whisper From My Soul To You

Whether your issue stays or goes, lingers a bit longer or releases overnight 
LIVE YOUR LIFE NOW!  Now is what you have. Grab it with gusto and Live!

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com