(Esther) Whoa Solar Eclipse Sept 12-13th Highlights + Tips

Published: Fri, 09/11/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Sunset Zadar, Croatia

Hello ,

September 13th is the Solar New Moon Eclipse (for some on the 12th) and we are already in the thick of the energetics of this much awaited Cosmic Event.

​A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and sun blocking the sun's Light casting a shadow on earth.

Eclipses are game changers and hold the possibility of great change not only in your personal life, but for all of humanity and the Earth.

If you are reading this energy update most likely you are noticing huge changes unfolding in your life.  These changes are due to the multiple waves of Energy flooding the planet not only this month but all year long. In fact these Ascension Energy Waves have been a strong and mighty force in our lives since 2012.

Those who are far off their path of highest potential may find this passage of change challenging and those who are humming along in their Soul's Journey will move through this Gate Way with greater ease. Doors open and close quickly and course corrections are at hand. 

Sunday's Eclipse officially kicks off Eclipse Season rounding out with the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse September 27-28th and includes Equinox on Sept 23rd.

Most likely you have already been feeling the effects of these potent energy transmission as limitations, density and anything out of date is spewing forth vying for your attention to acknowledge, learn and release. 

Many people are experiencing physical symptoms such as: incredible thirst, headaches, aching muscles, shaking in their bodies, fatigue, high energy, inspiration, clear focus, cravings and more. Always seek assistance from a health practitioner when some of these symptoms become too much to bear and ground, drink plenty of water, meditate and rest.

There is so much to tell you about this Solar Eclipse I could write pages on it. Below I have included highlights for you to consider and assist with understanding as we approach this magnificent event.

But first I would like to share with you two pieces of information which have been pressed upon me by Universe and my Spirit Team.

1. This Solar Eclipse will be doing wonderful work with Water. I am being told that there will be a great healing of water upon our planet. Water is key to our existence and also to that of the kingdoms of the Earth. The Light Codes and rays coming from the Sun right now are purging Water of pollutants and impurities and infusing it with even more wisdom and coding. 

If you are able I highly encourage you to spend time near or in water. Whether it be a sea, lake, river, stream, fountain, pond or even soaking in a salt bath. Don't worry beautiful Being of Light if you are not able to get close to water. Just imagine or pretend you are floating in a body of water. When you drink water say a blessing upon it. Even looking at a picture of water or listening to the sound of waves will have great benefits.

2. It makes sense that if we are about to experience a Solar Eclipse that the Sun is doing a mighty work. It was pressed upon me that the Sun is more active during this Gate Way then we can even imagine. The Light Codes coming from the Sun along with the Gamma Rays from the Galactic Core, Solar Flares and Super Novas are helping each of us to activate within the wisdom and information we hold as Divine Beings and raise the vibration of everything on the planet.

The guidance I have received is to be out in the Sun. Put your face to the Sun. Breath in the energy waves and Light Codes. Notice how you feel as the Light plays upon your face and body and also notice what is happening within, what is being activated.

Again if you are not able to physically be out in the Sun imagine or pretend the Sun is shining upon your face.

Sun and Water be with them, play with them, immerse yourself in them.

Here are some other Highlights of the upcoming Solar Eclipse:

  • The Eclipse starts at 12:40 am EDT, 9:40 pm PDT and 6:40 am CEST
  • It will last about five hours from start to finish
  • It is a partial Solar Eclipse visible in South Africa, South Indian Ocean and Antarctica
  • The Eclipse is happening in the sign of Virgo highlighting change and shift in the areas of health, well being, structure, organization, the little details of your life and how you work in service to others and to the planet.
  • The Virgo Eclipse is opposite Chiron in Pisces. Chiron is considered to be a minor planet and is dubbed the "Wounded Healer." Chiron works with us to present old wounds for our acceptance, acknowledgement, forgiveness, learning, resolution and release. That's why many of you have been bombard with deep painful issues rising to the surface.
  • Sept 13th Eclipse is also a New Moon which means a new moon on steroids. The desire for change is strong for each of us individually, for the collective and the world. This is a powerful time to set intentions of your deepest desires and wishes and send them off to Universe.The energy waves of our Solar Eclipse and New Moon are already stirring the pot so to speak to bring to the surface and help you release all that is standing in the way of your desired creations and usher in the right and perfect frequencies to support you in your expansion.
  • Your perspectives, wishes, dreams and desires are changing quickly. Let them shift and adjust your wish list accordingly. You are a Being of Choice, go a head and change your mind!
  • This Eclipse will also hold a strong focus on blending Heart and Mind, the Divine Masculine and Feminine to work as one in Harmony.
  • Our DNA is being activated to 12 stands our original blueprint and what I am also being told is for some activating a 13th strand a portal to even Higher Evolution.
  • All of this is happening and much more....
Your head might be spinning right about now. I can relate.

Just remember you chose to come to Earth at this time in World History to fully participate in the Ascension Process for yourself and also to assist the collective and the Earth in moving fully into 5D.

Rather then getting caught up in the head about the Eclipse and what is happening, enjoy the process all of it. 

Declare yourself Open To Receive.

Do your inner work. 

And don't forget to spend time with the Sun and Water.

~Love, Esther
Whisper From My Soul To You

“Some stories don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what’s going to happen next.” -Gilda Radner

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com