(Esther) Energy update: Oh those Vices and Habits!

Published: Wed, 08/19/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

We are in a whirlwind of energies. So much is happening in the cosmos and on the Earth. We are full on in the process of Ascension and change!

The 8-8-8 Lion's Gate of earlier this month offered us subtle yet potent energies of transformation. The Light quotient was off the charts and we the Way Showers have embedded more deeply into   the 5D reality.

Venus still in retrograde is working with each of us in the areas of finances, love, relationships and creativity allowing us the opportunity to review, re-evaluate and re-assess where we place our attention and focus. We are being asked to reflect on how we relate to people and how do we serve. Are our relationships supporting us or an energy leak? 

Gate Ways and Portals of New Light open and close rapidly it's almost silly to announce the next Gate Way of Shift because it feels we are in a constant flood of new Light Codes and frequencies. Some downloads are soft and tender and others require rest and relaxation to integrate and upgrade.

The Portal of September Equinox is already presenting to us preparing us for the next flood of Light and what many feel, myself included, will be a major turning point in consciousness for each of us personally, the collective and planet.

You may have read or heard stories of fear surrounding upcoming Cosmic Events and how they might play out in our Earth reality. Warnings of money collapses, wars, martial law fill the collective conscious.

Please Don't Buy Into the Fear! Yes it is fine to be aware of what is happening on the global scene and to make wise choices but diving into the fear mongering does not serve you or humanity. Remember the lead up to the year 2000 Y2K when predictions of technology meltdown reigned supreme? In the end while there may have been some technical glitches we moved through it beautifully and now it is 2015.

As a Way Shower on a conscious path of Ascension committed to your Soul's Journey and anchoring in more Light to assist humanity and the Earth, I encourage you to stand firm in your knowing and belief that we have much help and assistance from the Galactic Realm in moving fully into 5D. Be the Light that you are and show those around you that even in the midst of world events there is Love, Hope and Belief that all is in Divine Order.

I am not suggesting a stick your head in the sand scenario, rather stand tall in your knowing and belief that this is an important time in World History and you are here to not only experience this Great Awakening but also to participate in anchoring in the Light and freeing All from the shackles of the Matrix and dense energies.

Some of you may have noticed hold habits and vices popping up this month. Perhaps you find yourself craving tobacco even though you gave up smoking years ago. Or maybe urges for unhealthy foods, gambling, drinking alcohol, etc...have presented with a strong pull.

Instead of saying Oh No, take a step back and consider these perspectives:

For some these habits and vices are presenting for deeper release especially generational and past life carry overs.

Others are experiencing these throwback patterns as a means of asking: Are you ready to transcendence this once and for all?

And then there are some who are experiencing the rising of self sabatoguing habits to release the notion that they are "bad." When we label something as bad for us not only does it have a detrimental effect on our mind and bodies but often it increases the pull or desire for that very thing we want to release from our lives.

If you are one of the many that has had something from the past, whether a belief, habit, patterning or behavior pop up out of the blue causing you to question all of the wonderful inner work you have done Pause. Move into your heart space. Connect with the zero point energy field of neutrality and non-judgement and ask within; "What am I to learn or gleam from this experience?" The answer may surprise you.

In September we will come together once again as Group Avatar to harness the powerful and magnificent Cosmic Energies of Equinox, Two Eclipses, Full Moon, New Moon and other planetary alignments to facilitate an expansion of Self onto our highest paths of potential and outcomes.

The energetics will be ripe with opportunity to transform our minds and bodies to the highest expression available to us right now on the planet and as I like to say for those who are willing--> Go For the Stretch. We expand our Light, being a Beacon of Light to those around us, the collective and assist Mother Earth who is also undergoing the Ascension Process.

I invite you to join me and people from around the Globe to participate in the September 28 Days  of Daily Energy Transmissions Plus Lunar & Solar Eclipse, Equinox Energy Events.

We will harness these energies and use them to create the highest possible outcome for each of us but also for the planet as a whole during this tremendous time of change.

For those who have already signed up, our Group Avatar is up and running. As soon as I received your registration I placed you in the Vortex. Our containment field is currently set up in the Ravne Tunnels in Bosnia, the Valley of the Pyramids and all are basking in the energies of the Negative Ions preparing you with peace, calm and neutrality to not only integrate all of the upgrades of 2015 thus far but to also prepare you for what is yet to come! 

The 28 Day Event starts September 2nd.
For more details and sign up information


~Love, Esther
Super Galactic Wave of Light affectionately being referred to as Wave X heading our way for September Impact!

September 2-29, 2015: 28 Days of Daily Energy Work, Three Energy Transmission and Global Meditation Live Events, Email Updates, Plus Two Very Special Bonuses.

Yes we will harness the power of the Bosnian Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels to assist!

Your energy field will be infused with the highest Light Codes and Consciousness flooding the planet in the moment on a day-to-day basis.

In fact the moment you sign up for the 28 Day Energy Event we will begin to work with you in The Field preparing you for the Cosmic Energy Alignments.

I personally extend an invitation to you to participate Fully in our September Event.

For more information and to register  CLICK HERE.

Whisper From My Soul To You

There are many paths of potential opening up for each of you. Just because opportunity knocks doesn't mean you have to answer the door. Does the opportunity line up with your heart's desires, intentions, dreams and sense of adventure? That is the door to walk through. Regardless as a being of choice you can't make a wrong choice. There is something for you along every path of potential; at every door.

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com