(Wednesday) Answering Your Entity Questions Live On Face Book Join Me!

Published: Sun, 08/02/15

Esther Bartkiw

Whispers From The Soul ~ Change From Within

Hello ,

It's been a while since I have sent out an energy update. July was a whirlwind of activities including The Sacred Spirit Journey To The Bosnian Pyramids and after some rest and catch up I am ready to get back into the swing of things with you.

This past spring I introduced an Entity Clearing and Release Program on From Heartache To Joy. It was extremely well received and people have been releasing outside influence and "noise" from their lives at a rapid pace. While the program is long over I noticed during the Live Call that there were many questions left unanswered.

So I decided that this Wednesday August 5th from 12 noon to 1 pm EDT I am going LIVE on Face Book to answer General Questions about Entities.

I have combed through the questions from the Live Telecast and selected commonly asked questions about Entities and based on those queries will offer you information, tips and suggestions on how to address and release outside influence from your life.

Even if you didn't participate in the program I invite you to join me. The information and tips could be exactly the guidance you have been asking for.

Here is the link to my Face Book Page: Esther on Face Book Click Here

Please join me and tell a friend!

Coming Up!

I am putting together an Energy Update Newsletter about the upcoming 8-8-8 Lion's Gate. As soon as it is complete I will send it off.

For those who have been asking I am also creating another 28 Day Energy Event in September to support us through Equinox, and Eclipse Season.

This September is ramping up to be a major period of shift and change for all of humanity and the Earth. You may recall me writing back in the spring that the shift and changes you make in June, July, August will all come to a head in September when a great wave of Galactic Light is expected to sweep across the planet accelerating our Ascension Process and collapsing down the 3D Matrix. Add in Equinox and two Eclipses and wowsers we have a powerful portal of opportunity to release, let go and soar in consciousness.

This 28 Day Event will support you with daily energy transmissions, frequency recordings and Live Calls. And Yes we will harness the power of the Bosnian Pyramids and Ravne Tunnels to assist. Keep a close eye on your email for the event announcement and sign up details.

And lastly, Eram Host of From Heartache To Joy has asked me to create another program for her tele-summit to launch this fall. I am currently downloading and streaming information from Universe and my Spirit Team to put together a fabulous program to serve you in your Ascension Process.

Blessings to all! You are LOVE!

~Love, Esther
Whisper From My Soul To You

We are currently experiencing strong reality checks, deep insights, understanding of lessons learned, clarity of life situations and issues, creative ideas and knowing of direct action steps to take. We are also being shown what is important to us, what we value and have a better sense of who and what we vibe with and who and what we don't. Listen for the whispers......

Esther Bartkiw is a Facilitator of Consciousness, Change and Transformation, Spiritual Mentor, Core Belief Engineering TM Practitioner, Channel, Speaker, Writer, Star Seed.

After waking up to the awareness that not only did she not love herself she didn't even like herself, Esther embarked on a journey of falling in love with Self which continues to deepen and blossom every day. Esther is driven by the inner knowing that loving Self and knowing who you truly be as a Energy, as Soul Signature is key to experiencing a juicy life.

Esther inspires audiences around the world with her channeled insights, activation process, readings and global events to love and accept themselves and pulse their song and magnificence out into the world.

Esther Bartkiw, Copyright (C) 2015. Yes Please share this information. I ask that you honour me and my work by not altering the words and material in any way and share the complete content with my name and website along with this copyright notice. Esther Bartkiw www.whispersfromthesoul.com